With the latest trends emerging in the market, Mobile application development has become paramount for a business ’success’. In such a scenario, almost all the businesses are giving in to the new trends and making their best efforts to come up with some unique ideas in the form of their business app. However, with tremendous amounts of efforts and dedicatedly working teams, they still lack the kind of attention they expected from their target audience.

This is sure to make them sceptical of their efforts, whether if they had been doing it even right? Well, it’s not actually a matter of right or wrong. It is indeed about the tough competition and their ability to stand out from that.

So, we can’t just give in to those doubts, instead, we should strive even harder and make our way to the top amongst all the competitors. By this, we are implying towards an integral step of App development which is ‘Promotion’. We have done enough to offer an amazing application to our target audience but do we think we have done enough of promotion to reach them. Well, this could be the area where much improvement is needed and a little effort here could have a multiplier effect on the success of the Mobile application.

So, we are now going to dedicate our efforts and time towards App Promotion only. The theory behind this idea is that we have to spend as much time promoting the Mobile application as we do in creating them because that is how you are going to get the maximum out of your efforts.

So, before you finally give up on your mobile app try these few tips which will come in very handy in marketing your app effectively:

The first step of promotion starts even before the app has been fully developed. Wondering how!!

Well, let me explain. The idea behind this sort of promotion is to offer your customers exactly the kind of feature in the app that they are looking for. So to know all those features and incorporate them into your app you have to get in touch with your target audience. This could be one in the form of a small survey, a general questionnaire or asking them for their feedback.

In that way, you will know beforehand what your customers will be liking in the app and what features you can miss on to. This step has dual benefits for you- first you will get to know your customer’s needs, expectations beforehand so you can cater to them very well and second you will be able to correct the mistakes that you were going to make before even making them. Isn’t that amazing!

It sure is!! This way you will be getting your customers involved in the app creation process and also subtly doing the best form of marketing and promotion.

1. Use your own website to the best

If you are shifting to a mobile application, we are pretty sure you already have a website with good traffic. Now, it is time you try inching this traffic towards your mobile application. This kind of promotion is the best as you are approaching the people who already are genuinely interested in your product. So, show them pop up (inviting them to download the application) or dedicate some space in your website to this Mobile app invitation exclusively. You can offer some incentives to the customers to lure them to shift from website to the mobile app. This could be in the form of some rewards points or discount coupons. You will see the number of downloads increasing very fast.

So make sure you meet your customers with this relevant information through your website always. Get the most essential information across to them with a link to your app landing page or directly to the App Store.


2. Get your application listed in different app stores

It is not a very wise idea to rely solely upon the Google Play store. The reason being- you will be faced with tough competition there also you will be missing onto amazing opportunities you could have a hand on if you list your app in other app stores also.

There are many more app markets where you could hit the perfect balance with your target audience. So, list yourself on all of those app stores and you will see the number of downloads increasing.

Some of the famous app stores that could lead to a good promotion are:
GetJar, F-droid, Aptoide, Uptodown, SlideMe, Opera Mobile Store, AppsLib, Amazon Appstore and AppBrain.

Now, reckon for yourself how many amazing opportunities you are missing by not getting listed on so many other platforms.


3. Get yourself some free coverage and publicity

The best way of doing that is participating in the best app awards contests and if you are lucky enough you will win a prize and rest all will go great. Yes, the application awards are indeed a great platform to get some hype and publicity for your app. If you could win the prize you will receive press coverage, free reviews by influencers and of course more downloads.

One of the best and the most followed application awards contents are App Circus completion, Appsters Awards, Ericsson Application Awards, Appy Awards, Best App Ever Awards, The Webby Awards, Best Mobile App Awards and many more.


4. SEO always works

It is not just your website that received more traffic because of great SEO, your app can also leverage on the same strategy. So, to make sure your app lists on the top when your customers look for keywords in the play store do some relevant SEO.  All you need to do is identify “best-targeted” keywords and optimize them smartly in your application to get the best attention.

Why just on the app store? The consumers are most likely to look for the application related to their concern on google first. So, when they type the keyword their make sure your app’s description reaches them on the first page.


5. App Store Optimization

Just like SEO works for websites, App store optimization works for the mobile application. It serves the same purpose of keyword relevance, search relevance and the keyword density in your description on play store as SEO does in the Google searches. So, make sure you exploit both these strategies properly to the best of your use. This means that you have to craft your app description very creatively and smartly. It should be filled with all the relevant keywords and fancy language.


6. Create super enticing and fascinating app icons

With millions of options available on the app store, the first try you can make to lure your target audience is through an interesting app icon. The description or the features come on the later stage but first what catches the fancy of your audience is a creative App icon. So, get your best team of designers at work and create the best app icon that is most likely to catch your visitors’ attention.

Fascinating App-Icons

7. Post informative and exciting screenshots

Well, it is merely a formality where you have to post the screenshots of your app’s interface in the description but what if you could derive some benefits out of it? Of course, this is very much possible.

Here, you have not to just post some random screenshots of the app but pay attention to its working and take screenshots through which you could describe the features and working of the app. This way you will be giving a brief guide to your viewers into the app’s interface. So, they could very well decide for themselves if they want to explore those features or not.

So, make sure you post such screenshots of some of your best features and also try to caption them in brief and informative language.


8. Get featured in one of the most prominent Mobile app review sites

Well, this is probably the best kind of publicity you can get for your app. Yes, because the people following these websites trust their reviews and are most likely to download your app if you have received a fairly positive review on these sites.

So, to get the best websites feature your app you have to pitch your idea to them. Make sure you offer them something new, exciting, enticing and useful in your Pitch. That is the only way you can get featured.

Also, include all the relevant details, screenshots, demo video, description and app link in your pitch to do it the right way.

Go for the best form of content promotion

The best form of content promotion is, of course, the blog. Traditionally, this way of promotion has worked for years and it is likely to work even today. So, while you are going for it you can explore different ways. You can write dedicated blogs on your mobile application and get them shared on social media and other platforms, you can also approach famous bloggers to talk about your app in their blogs, and you can approach influencers and get your app featured in one of their blogs.

In all these cases, make sure you add a call-to-action button linking to your mobile application by the end of each blog.


9. Join relevant social media pages and groups

So, basically, you have to get connected to more people who are likely to be interested in your app. You can either connect to the groups where you feel you will find people who could be interested in your application. Find groups that are made up of people that closely resemble your existing customers or your ideal customers and share the app with them. Explain the benefit of using the app and why they should use the app.

The other way is to join relevant groups of entrepreneurs and mobile app developers and ask them to share your application. In both these cases, you will be getting some publicity and hype.

So, try these easy App marketing and promotion tips and the results will speak for themselves in the form of an increased number of downloads.
