Choosing the right web framework is a crucial decision that every developer must make at the onset of a project. The correct framework not only provides the necessary building blocks to develop your application but can also significantly influence the performance, scalability, and overall success of your project. One of the most hotly contested debates in the world of Python web development is Django vs Flask.

Django, a high-level Python Web framework, encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. On the other hand, Flask is a micro web framework for Python that is easy to learn and simple to use, making it great for beginners, and it is exceedingly scalable, making it great for advanced users as well.

The objective of this post is to decode the subtle and not-so-subtle differences between Django and Flask, and to provide a clear and concise guide to help you make an informed decision on which framework to choose.

Why are Frameworks Important?

Working on Python projects, such as building a website, often involves performing numerous mundane and repetitive tasks. These include setting up behind-the-scenes operations, designing a user-friendly interface, and ensuring the application communicates effectively with web browsers. Web frameworks are essential tools that facilitate the creation of web applications by simplifying tasks like linking web addresses to specific sections of the code.

Developers often use web frameworks to simplify the process of web development, as they offer a structured foundation for building applications, thereby reducing development time and minimising potential errors.

What Do Flask and Django Mean?

Flask and Django are tools that developers use to make building websites easier. They are made for Python and are free to use. Django is a complete framework while Flask is a lightweight and flexible framework.

What Does Flask Mean?


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Flask, created in 2010 by Armin Ronacher, is a micro framework that doesn’t rely on other libraries. With it, developers can choose design patterns, tools, and databases more freely. So, this python framework is mainly known for being flexible.

As the web development industry shifts towards microservices and serverless platforms, Flask’s popularity has been on the rise. It is frequently used for building web applications capable of managing a high volume of users, thanks to its unique characteristics.


  • The development server and debugger are both included and they work quickly.
  • High scalability since it is a component-based framework.
  • It uses Jinja2 templates and follows the rules of WSGI 1. 0.
  • RESTful request dispatching.
  • ORM-agnostic with high flexibility.
  • HTTP request handling functionality.
  • Helps with unit testing.
  • It is easy to set up in production.

What Does Django Mean?

D jango

Image Source: Pinterest

Django is a framework developed in 2005 to facilitate the creation of intricate websites that interact with databases. It streamlines web development by preventing developers from repeatedly performing identical tasks. This tool boasts exceptional features that aid developers in crafting robust and efficient applications.

Another benefit of using the Django framework is that it is easy to scale and very safe. This makes it great for creating really big and important applications. Django supports different formats such as XML, HTML, and JSON. It helps developers concentrate on creating the essential parts of web apps without starting from the beginning.


  • A framework that already has everything you need included in it.
  • Rapid development is allowed.
  • Easy to extend and scale.
  • Can work with many different databases.
  • Very safe and adaptable.
  • Offers assistance for various front-end tools.
  • A big helpful community.

Also Read: 10 Best Front End Frameworks For Web Development In 2023

Django vs Flask – Differences

Django and Flask Differences

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Flask and Django are two distinct approaches to building web applications using Python. Both are robust and can handle substantial traffic, yet they have key differences that should be considered. Importantly, the goal of comparing them is not to declare one as superior to the other.

Both frameworks are excellent for rapid application development but are utilised for different purposes. Hence, when directly comparing them, the objective should be to examine crucial aspects that will aid in making an informed decision tailored to your business needs.

So, let’s explore and compare the differences between Django Vs Flask.

Factors Django Flask
GitHub Stars 72.9k stars 64.1k stars
Architecture It follows an MVT architecture, which means it is divided into three parts: model, view, and template. It is a basic framework that allows developers to organise applications in different ways.
Development Speed Django helps you to create apps quickly. However, it takes more time to do things compared to Flask. Flask is faster than Django because it has fewer abstraction layers.
Flexibility It has all the necessary components already included in the framework. It is a small framework with basic features that allows developers to easily add plugins and libraries.
Maturity It was created in 2005 and is a very advanced system with lots of people supporting it. Flask, which started in 2010, is a newer framework and it also has a large community.
Security It helps to prevent problems like someone stealing information or tricking you into clicking on bad links. Flask needs to work with many third party tools, which might make it harder to keep the system secure.
API Support Django does not have support for APIs. It helps with APIs.
Working Style Django is a large and unified framework for working. Flask offers different ways of working.
Testing Support It offers different tools to test every part of an application. Flask makes it easy to test and build applications without bugs
Scalability It is a great option for apps that need to grow and expand Flask can handle a lot of work, but it may not work well for every situation.
Use Cases Web applications that use machine learning

Data-driven web apps

Web applications that have Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) support.

Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) or small-scale projects

Integration of complex backend systems.

Static web apps which have RESTful web services.

Companies Spotify, Dropbox, Instagram, Accenture, Pinterest Uber, Netflix, Mozilla, Reddit, Airbnb

Which One is Superior – Django vs Flask?

Django vs Flask

Image Source: Pinterest

Selecting the appropriate framework for developing your website is as crucial as determining the desired features, selecting the programming language, and allocating the budget. Making a well-informed choice can lead to significant cost savings as your application scales.

Let’s delve into a comparison of Flask and Django to ascertain which web development framework is most suitable for your web application.

  • Performance and Development Speed

Django is a web framework designed for those aiming to build impressive websites swiftly. When facing tight deadlines, it’s essential to develop web applications quickly and efficiently. Building websites with Django is both easy and speedy.

The official Django website states that it was designed to enable developers to create applications as rapidly as possible. Django excels at constructing large applications due to its speed. Conversely, the Flask framework bears the slogan, “web development, one drop at a time.” Flask is an incredibly user-friendly Python tool, yet it is still highly versatile. It is referred to as a “microframework” because of its small and fundamental nature.

This lightweight, flexible, and uncomplicated framework enables developers to swiftly create smaller applications. Another reason Flask is faster than Django is that you can write 10,000 lines of code with Flask for a task that would necessitate 24,000 lines with Django. Therefore, when comparing the performance of Flask and Django, Flask may be superior, depending on the project requirements.

Also Read: Top 5 Single Page Application Frameworks For Web Development In 2023

  • Development Flexibility

If you are pondering why one might opt for Flask over Django, the answer lies in its feature set: Flask provides all the essential features without any unnecessary extras. As previously noted, Flask is renowned for its simplicity and straightforwardness. It imposes no restrictions, enabling a developer to build a robust application while freely utilising any external tools desired, such as a wide array of libraries and add-ons.

Flask asserts that it does not make critical decisions on your behalf, such as selecting a database. The decisions it does make, like the choice of template system, can be easily altered. This grants complete control over Flask, allowing you to tailor it precisely to your needs while excluding any superfluous elements.

On the other hand, Django comes pre-packaged with its own suite of tools and features, which somewhat curtails the freedom to explore and exercise control. The built-in utilities provided by Django enable developers to create a variety of web applications without the need for external tools or libraries.

  • Scalability

If your goal is to create a web application capable of managing a large user base, Django is the optimal choice due to its comprehensive toolset designed for scalability. It is a framework composed of distinct components, each designed to avoid redundancy. Each segment of the application can function independently, facilitating the expansion of the application at any scale.

Moreover, it employs load balancing and clustering to ensure seamless operation across multiple servers. Thus, you can effortlessly scale your Django web application while maintaining optimal performance and swift loading times. Flask, on the other hand, can process a substantial volume of requests daily and is amenable to growth.

This compact framework deconstructs the code into autonomous segments, enabling developers to work on each part individually and integrate them as the codebase expands. However, Flask’s capacity to manage extensive workloads is not as robust as Django’s. For example, if servers must accommodate both global and local proxies, they may struggle to cope with the increased demand.

  • Community Support

Django was released 18 years ago, in 2005. Today, there is a large group of developers who have made lots of things to use with websites, like plugins, third party apps, and extensions. Right now, Django has become a well-developed platform that takes advantage of a helpful community. Right now on GitHub, Django has 72.9k stars, 29.9k forks, and 2.3k watchers.

On the other hand, Flask was created 13 years ago, in 2010. It is a tool that is not very old, but many people use it. So, it could help you a lot if you need assistance with something.

Right now on GitHub, Flask has 64.1k stars, 15.9k forks, and 2.1k watchers.

According to the statistics mentioned above, it is clear that Django is slightly more popular than Flask in terms of stars and watchers. However, both frameworks are very close in terms of performance. So, if you think about the community, you can get a lot of help and support for both frameworks.

  • Admin Site

Django comes with a built-in admin system, enabling you to effortlessly create a tool for managing data derived from your data models. It leverages an ORM (Object Relational Mapper) database and adheres to a specific file organisation structure. Consequently, many Django projects share a similar arrangement of folders and files, leading developers to believe it is all-encompassing.

For those seeking to swiftly and easily create a web application, the Django Admin is an excellent choice. It facilitates the management of your application’s data via a straightforward interface. With just a few lines of code, you can craft an application that is customizable to your preferences, both in appearance and functionality for the admin user.

Conversely, Flask does not include a built-in admin interface. To incorporate a system for administrative tasks or a tool to manage your database, you must install specific modules. The Flask-Admin extension provides developers with an experience akin to Django’s.

However, configuring Flask is slightly more intricate than Django, as it necessitates integration with the authentication scheme you employ. Before concluding our discussion on whether Django or Flask is the superior Python framework, let’s examine the scenarios in which each one might be preferable.

  • Database

Django could benefit from enhancing its ORM framework. The ORM framework is advantageous as it enables developers to interact with various databases, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, among others, without the need to craft extensive SQL queries for routine database operations. Conversely, Flask lacks built-in support for the ORM framework, necessitating designers to utilise SQLAlchemy, a Python tool designed for database interaction, to execute fundamental database tasks.

  • Template Engine

Contrary to Django, Flask does not come with a pre-installed template engine but is constructed using the Jinja2 template engine, which is influenced by the Django template engine. The role of this program is to establish a secure environment for software execution, thereby accelerating web application development for developers. Django boasts a feature that facilitates the rapid and effortless creation of the front-end of a website, the portion visible to users.

When Should You Use Flask?

Companies Using Flask

Here is how Flask can be used:

  • If you prefer to start from scratch without depending on any external tools, the Flask Python framework is an excellent choice due to its adaptability. It can be used to construct robust and dependable microservices.
  • If your goal is to create fundamental websites, swift prototypes, initial product versions, or RESTful web services, Flask is the ideal choice.
  • Opt for Flask if you aim to develop applications that do not require a server, or if you intend to utilise sophisticated SQL queries. This will grant you meticulous control over every aspect.

When Should You Use Django?

Companies using Django

Here are some examples of how Django can be used:

  • If you want to create strong APIs with the REST framework or social networking websites that can change, use Django.
  • This is the most appropriate choice if your objective is to create sophisticated, customised applications tailored to the needs of large enterprises and dependent on data.
  • When you aspire to develop web applications that can interact with databases, possess interfaces for communication with other applications, and potentially incorporate advanced technologies such as Machine Learning in the future.

As previously mentioned, the decision between Python Flask and Django hinges on your company’s unique requirements. It is entirely feasible to utilise both frameworks concurrently if it aligns with your business needs. When developing expansive applications for corporations, employing both Flask and Django can be advantageous.

Flask is apt for managing smaller components of the application, whereas Django’s Admin Panel is valuable for overall application management. Now that you have a grasp on the strengths of each framework in diverse scenarios, assess the challenges your web application must address and select the most suitable framework. Alternatively, consider enlisting the expertise of a seasoned technology partner to aid in making this critical decision.

Conclusion – Django Vs Flask: Which One Should I Choose?

Flask and Django are both renowned web frameworks for Python, freely accessible to all. Django is a robust and flexible framework capable of managing a diverse array of tasks, while Flask is a more compact and straightforward framework. There are no definitive guidelines on which one should be used.

Nonetheless, selecting a framework solely because it was employed in your previous project or you are more familiar with it does not constitute progress. Prior to embarking on a new software project, it is imperative to evaluate which framework is most aligned with your objectives. Comprehend your requirements and thoughtfully choose a framework that fulfils them.


What is the biggest difference between Django and Flask?

Django is a powerful web framework that comes with many useful features already included. On the other hand, Flask is a small framework that allows developers to have more freedom and control over the parts they use. The main difference is how abstract they are and how much they control project structure.

Which programming framework is easier for beginners to start with, Django or Flask?

Flask is often seen as easier for beginners because it is simple and has a minimalistic style. It helps developers to start with a few things and then add more as they go. Django is a powerful tool, but it can be too much for beginners because it has many features and built-in parts.

When should I pick Django instead of Flask, and vice versa?

Choose Django if you want to quickly create a complex website with built-in features like user login, control panels, and database control. Flask is a good option when you need to build a small or customised application, have specific needs, or want to personally select your components.

Which framework is better for big applications?

Django is a popular choice for big projects because it comes with helpful tools like Object-Relational Mapping, an admin interface, and a wide range of reusable packages. Flask can also work for big applications, but it might need more setup and using outside libraries to have similar features.