A strategic imperative emerges in the changing world of business: no corporation wants to invest money in a product only to discover a void in the market. Thus, the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) serves as an entryway into the world of innovation. Industry giants Dropbox, Figma, and Uber have praised the MVP model for accelerating their success stories. Instead of rushing into complex coding, the MVP method takes the lead. In this post we have laid out a step by step process on how to build an MVP.

In 1999, a young visionary’s quest for a particular pair of shoes came to a dead end. Unfazed by his aggravation, he developed a brilliant idea: an online shoe store. The idea of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) was created in this way.

He built a crude website rather than navigating the complex terrain of significant and expensive market research. He meticulously photographed shoes in partnership with a nearby shoe business and displayed them on his online storefront. He quickly acquired the shoes and shipped them after receiving an order.

Each transaction resulted in a loss of money, but it was a clever way to test his business theory. His fledgling idea grew into a successful business as it became clear that consumers preferred to buy shoes online.

In the history of business, this is known as the founding of Zappos, the idea of Nick Swinmurn, which was eventually acquired by the Amazon behemoth for an astounding USD 1.2 billion.

This strategy, known as MVP Development, honors Nick Swinmurn’s pioneering work.

What is an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) in Agile Software Development?

Agile Software Development

Source: Pinterest

An MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is a product that has been simplified and is ready for market. Consider it the essential version that just includes the items that are a must-have and that prompt people to declare that something is worthwhile. The goal is to launch it rapidly, attract those early adopters, and ensure that it is a suitable fit for the market from the outset.

Think of the MVP as being similar to the bare minimum. People are given the foundational tools they require to get going. The enjoyable part follows when you get feedback. You can use this input as a treasure map to improve the product. The MVP guru, Eric Ries, defines it as:

“The version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort.”

Don’t misunderstand me; saying “least effort” does not imply cutting corners. Your MVP needs to be reliable, user-friendly, and responsive to what people actually want (empathetic design, if you will). It also needs to be functional. This creates the framework for incorporating user feedback and stepping it up in the following phase. Ensuring your product is both feasible and worthwhile is key.

So, in a word, introducing an MVP is equivalent to releasing the most basic, valuable version of your product so you can gather as much information as you can from users without going crazy. Of course, it must also function well and be user-friendly.

Development companies utilize the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) approach to quickly launch a product with essential features, gauging user feedback and refining it based on real-world insights. This iterative method helps prioritize user needs and streamline the development process.

The Significance Of A Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Building an MVP serves the apparent purpose of quickly launching your product, utilizing a sound concept, and doing so while staying within a strict budget. With these MVP development tools, businesses may gain insightful customer input for their main product, which can subsequently be included in upcoming revisions. When you have an MVP in place, you’re in a great position to determine the ideal audience, improve your thoughts through practical application, and ultimately save time spent in the process.

The statistics make it quite clear: an MVP is a need!

Significance Of A Minimum Viable Product

Consider this startling statistic: 29% of startups fail for the straightforward reason of running out of money. It’s a sobering truth that emphasizes the value of careful planning. On the other hand, compared to their hurried peers, firms that implement a well-paced, planned scaling method see an astounding 20-fold growth rate.

Let’s now examine the compelling arguments that a forward-thinking MVP product development business should enthusiastically support the development of a Minimum Viable Product:

Not only are you outlining a concept, but you are also laying the groundwork for crucial discussions and creating a visual touchpoint that puts everyone on the same page.

Even more thrilling, you’re getting a hands-on test drive. You may uncover any potential problems by showing this prototype to actual users and prospective buyers. This will give you the advantage of improving your product before the big reveal.

Consider the following scenario: After months of hard work refining your software idea, establishing an MVP serves as a clear indication that you’re moving forward on the road to developing a fully-fledged, excellent product.

For a minute, let’s focus solely on developing mobile apps. The MVP journey can be divided into two crucial parts:

The first area is business and marketing. Your MVP is your secret weapon, allowing you to run a survey that identifies the most successful marketing tactics and the best advertising venues, elevating your product to the fore.

The proof of concept is then given center stage. You get priceless technical insights through committed MVP development, delving deep into crucial programming and design tasks—the outcome? It is a unique collection of minimum features that distinguishes your software from the competitors.

Overall, the data presents a clear picture, and starting an MVP journey is like building a solid foundation for tremendous success!

Also Read: Product Manager Vs Project Manager: 6 Main Differences

How To Build An MVP?

Build An MVP

Source: Pinterest

It’s funny how people frequently ponder issues like “How imperfectly finished can my minimum viable product really be?” Those popular searches on sites like Quora are undoubtedly familiar to you. Hey, even Hackernoon got into the fray with a piece titled “The MVP is Dead.” The RAT is still alive. What’s more, even Google’s auto-suggest feature adds its two cents, saying, “MVP is dead.” Everyone has an opinion on the matter!

Do you recall the American businessman Reid Hoffman? When he once observed that if your first product doesn’t make you feel embarrassed, you’ve definitely launched it too late, he hit the nail on the head. The surprising thing is that many startup people, particularly those who were new to the industry, were inspired by these insightful remarks to focus solely on the “Minimum” half of the acronym and toss the “Viable” component to the side. And this frequently resulted in items that could have been better.

Imagine these startups creating a free sub-domain website that is essentially empty and proclaiming it to be the next big thing. Surprise, surprise—users aren’t exactly bursting down the doors because of it. So they declare themselves to be a “failed MVP” and start looking for solutions to this alleged MVP issue.

Hold on a second, though, since the underlying issue here is that many people are unaware of the entire path for MVP development. It’s like a dance that must be performed step by step; if you omit one, things may go differently than planned. Therefore, you must strictly adhere to each of the following phases if you genuinely want to create a great MVP:

  1. First Step: Commence Market Research

Commence Market Research

It’s crucial to keep in mind that concepts occasionally fall short of what the market genuinely desires. Therefore, it’s imperative to ensure that your concept satisfies your target audience’s demands before plunging headfirst into bringing your idea to life and beginning that MVP (Minimum Viable Product) development process.

Surveys can be a game changer for any firm. The more you understand about your potential consumers’ tastes and requirements, the higher your chances of success. Furthermore, don’t ignore the competition – keep an eye on what they’re selling and work out how your product concept can truly stand out from the crowd.

Remember what W. Edwards Deming said: It’s not only about putting forth your best effort; it’s also about knowing which road to take and then following through.

Additionally, this notion is not a mere random concept. A CB Insights poll found that failing to match the needs of the market with the product a firm offered was the leading source of roadblocks for entrepreneurs. Customers are unlikely to hop on board in search of a solution if your product doesn’t immediately solve an issue.

Top Reasons Startups Fail

  1.  Second Step: Generating Ideas for Adding Value

The new item offers its consumers a lot of benefits. You might be asking how it helps them explicitly and why someone would buy it. Well, delving into these questions can truly mold the value proposition of the product.

Consider the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) to have a greater understanding of the product’s core components. In essence, the product must provide value to users even in its most basic form. Decide who your users are first, and then build the MVP such that it meets their demands.

  1. Third Step: Plotting The User Flow

A major aspect of the MVP stage is the design process. As a result, remember to keep user convenience in mind while you develop the app. From the moment the app is opened until the user completes a transaction or receives a delivery, the company must approach the app from the user’s point of view. Don’t forget to take user flow into consideration as well; it’s crucial to ensure nothing is missed and lays the groundwork for a great product with happy customers.

Let’s now discuss defining user flow. The purpose of this step is to describe the various stages of the procedure. The measures necessary to accomplish the main goal need to be explained in detail. Instead of getting distracted by the different features, concentrate on the essential activities like locating and purchasing products or handling and receiving orders.

These tasks indicate the end-users objectives when utilizing the product. After you’ve sketched out each of these stages, you can begin specifying the features for each one.

  1. Fourth Step: Focusing on Essential MVP Features

Alright, let’s get this out of the way right away. We’ve reached the point where we need to concentrate on what the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) will really do. Begin by asking the following critical questions: What do our customers genuinely desire? Is our product going to provide them with something of value?

After we’ve determined the essential elements of the MVP, let’s divide the remaining features into three groups: high priority, medium priority, and low priority. Then, let’s arrange these characteristics in our to-do list, starting with the most crucial items. It’s time to put our hands to work and begin creating that MVP. And hey, businesses can build an MVP prototype if they’re interested in seeing how their future product would look.

Here is an interesting fact for you: Because he skipped the entire prototyping step while working on the Apple Lisa, Steve Jobs once lost his job. And it didn’t work out very well; the product failed to generate the desired amount of sales.

  1. Fifth Step: Launch MVP

It’s time to create that MVP (Minimum Viable Product) once a company has a firm grasp of what the market requires and its main characteristics. Don’t be misled by the word MVP; this isn’t a rudimentary version and must be successful in satisfying the needs of the consumer. This implies that it should be simple to use, engaging, and simply customized for each user.

The ultimate buzzkill for items is when they fall short of what buyers want, especially when there are better alternatives available. That’s frequently the key to a product’s demise, according to Dan Olsen, the author of The Lean Product Playbook.

  1. Sixth Step: The ‘B.M.L.’ Approach: Build, Measure, Learn

Here, everything is a process. So let’s dissect it piece by piece. To begin with, you must specify the precise work that must be done, or the scope of the project. Once that is evident, it is time to launch the product development phase.

It’s now time to test the product once it has undergone the development phase and gained shape. The quality assurance engineers are helpful in this situation. Even though it hasn’t been put on the market yet, it is their responsibility to evaluate the product and try to improve its quality properly.

It’s time to launch your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) once you’ve taken care of everything else. But, the process isn’t finished yet. Retrace your steps and go through everything once more. This time, it’s crucial to get customer input once the release has been made. Their advice will be priceless; it will help you assess how well your products are selling and how they compare to the competitors.

MVP Approach

Source: Pinterest

Avoid These 5 Development Pitfalls When Creating an MVP

Darwin’s ‘Survival of the Fittest’ theory perfectly captures the ultra-competitive nature of today’s digital commerce market. The MVP development approach, as a whole, functions as a clever shortcut for business leaders to determine whether their product is a winner without going broke or losing their heads over time. But creating a great MVP has its own set of laws, and you surely want to avoid those development missteps that could perhaps turn your business aspirations into a huge nightmare.

  1. Selecting The Incorrect Issue for Resolution

It’s imperative to adamantly say that the first step is to determine whether the product holds enough value to justify its creation before delving into months of product development. Following a thorough examination of the problem on which they intend to base their startup, a company should think carefully about the following issues:

  • Who exactly is this product’s target market?
  • What particular issue will this product try to solve?
  • Is the suggested solution actually successful in addressing the stated issue?

Always remember that trying to appeal to everyone risked drawing no one. It’s similar to making the key before finding the appropriate doors. An exquisitely made key won’t be helpful if it can’t open the right door.

It is time for the business to celebrate a successful alignment of problem and solution once the appropriate target group has been determined and the second question has received a confident “Yes,” suggesting a solid solution. They can now proceed and start stress-testing their idea to ensure it is prepared for the following steps.

  1. Bypassing The Prototype Stage

Imagine trying to build a car without a blueprint. Challenging, right? Initiating development without clear requirements can be just as daunting.

When crafting a new product, there’s a pivotal moment: turning the idea into a tangible good or service. Central to this transition is the prototype, representing the “How” of the product.

Prototyping creates a model of your Minimum Viable Product, offering insights into user interaction even if it’s not fully functional. It’s essentially creating a draft for your MVP.

The best prototype strikes a balance, much like Goldilocks’ perfect porridge. If too simple, it won’t be seen as a viable product. If overly intricate, it becomes a time-consuming endeavor. Strive for the ideal balance, as highlighted by Daniel Burka, Design Partner at Google Ventures.

  1. Focusing On The Inaccurate Persona Segment

Products often fail when they don’t meet customer needs better than alternatives, a point emphasized by Dan Olsen in The Lean Product Playbook.

After crafting an MVP, it’s essential to test it with the intended users, prioritizing their feedback over others. While feedback from friends and family may be convenient, it’s vital to focus on the target demographic to avoid irrelevant or misleading advice that might derail the project.

The crux of MVP development is valuing user feedback. Your users will pinpoint what’s essential and what’s superfluous. Upon receiving their insights, you should act promptly to make necessary changes.

This feedback loop isn’t a one-off; it’s iterative, involving multiple rounds of testing and refinement. For instance, if a software company developing a communication app learns from user feedback that its navigation is confusing, they can refine it, ensuring a user-friendly release that’s primed for success.

Inaccurate Persona Segment

  1. Inappropriate Approach to Development

Indeed, many businesses hit roadblocks and abandon projects midway. What’s often the root cause? They dive into MVP development without a clear understanding. It’s akin to navigating a ship without a compass, and this misstep can explain why nearly 90% of startups fail.

Currently, two primary methodologies for MVP development dominate: waterfall and agile.

Let’s touch on Agile. Think of it as the development world’s cheetah: efficient and always on the move. Unlike the traditional waterfall method, Agile doesn’t wait for perfection; it iterates and improves continuously, offering quicker results and adaptability.

Waterfall, the more traditional method, can be likened to a meticulously planned road trip. Everything’s charted out beforehand, but detours can be problematic if unforeseen issues arise.

Of the two, Agile shines brighter. Comparing it to the systematic yet inflexible flow of a waterfall, Agile is more like a nimble sports car, emphasizing incremental progress, speed, and flexibility. For MVP development, Agile tends to outperform due to its efficiency and superior outcomes.

Also Read: Why Agile Methodology Is Gaining Traction For Mobile App Development?

  1. Differentiating Between Qualitative And Quantitative Feedback

Two primary methods to collect data from target users are qualitative feedback and quantitative input. Both are vital, and neglecting either can hinder drawing reliable conclusions.

Qualitative feedback delves deep into the product or service’s quality and usability, much like zooming in to scrutinize specific details. It helps developers identify issues with UI elements and overall user experience.

On the other hand, quantitative feedback comes through metrics, providing a clear view of users’ ease or challenges with tasks. This feedback indirectly gauges design effectiveness, focusing on user performance indicators like task success rates and error frequencies.

Striking a balance between these feedback types is crucial for comprehensive insights, ensuring informed enhancements and propelling your company forward.

Concern Qualitative Feedback Quantitative Feedback
Questions Answered Purpose: Understanding the “why” behind user behaviors, preferences, and experiences is the purpose. Purpose: The goal is to quantify the “How many” and “how much” of user interaction.
Goals Summative and Formative:

  • Supporting design choices
  • Identifying usability   problems and suggesting fixes
Primarily Summative:

  • Testing the usability of the current site
  • Monitoring how usability evolves with time
  • Performance of the site in comparison to competitors
  • ROI calculation
When it is used Usage: During the redesign process or after the release of the finished product. Usage: When a working product already exists, either at the beginning or finish of a design cycle.
Outcome Results: Information gleaned from the researcher’s observations, interpretations, and knowledge Results: Statistically significant findings that may be replicated in other investigations.

Combining qualitative feedback with quantitative feedback is the most effective strategy for achieving this. It is referred to as “Triangulation Feedback.” To truly understand what is happening, data must be gathered from a variety of perspectives.

Combining these two sorts of input gives you a higher chance of avoiding any hazards that could cause your product to fail. The developer can feel much more certain that their product is headed in the correct path if both of these feedback methods are pointing in the same direction.

Strategies For Precisely Identifying Your Target Market During MVP Development

Dan Adams was dead on when he claimed that creating a great product for an undesirable market segment doesn’t really make sense.

Consider the difficulty of trying to sell a basic air conditioner in the frozen continent of Antarctica. That same idea still applies when a company is ready to develop a minimum viable product (MVP). No matter how fantastic the product or service might be, it will inevitably fail if the company can’t figure out the ideal target market for that MVP.

Startups often rush to create their MVP under the false impression that “everyone” will be eager to buy what they have to offer. But they quickly became the model for a vast body of research and studies on what to do incorrectly. Consider this HBR report as an example. It is revealed that a staggering 85% of the 30,000 new product launches failed because the market segmentation strategy was poor.

  • Analyze The Competition

Analyze The Competition

Thorough competitor research is crucial. Most MVP ideas aren’t entirely new, and even the most innovative businesses enter a saturated market. Consequently, they must strategize how to position their MVP amidst established competitors. How?

By deeply analyzing these competitors. It’s vital to assess their strengths, weaknesses, and target audience. From this, startups can either compete head-on or identify underserved niches their rivals may have missed.

To thrive, startups can adopt one of four strategies: being cost-effective, offering distinct features, focusing on cost savings, or emphasizing uniqueness.

  • Segment The Customer Base By Geography

After identifying its target consumer base for the MVP, the startup’s next pivotal step is to focus on geographic segmentation. Essentially, this involves understanding where potential customers are and the unique traits of each location. Think of it as a strategic tool companies employ to delve deeper into their target market in specific regions.

Consider this analogy: If your MVP is a line of winter clothing, marketing in Southern California, with its milder winters, would be misguided. It’s akin to trying to sell ice to penguins.

Every region has distinct needs and cultural nuances. By recognizing these differences, you can tailor your marketing approach accordingly. Discovering where your ideal clients are geographically is pivotal, acting as a guidepost for refining your MVP.

The startup must then ask: What do potential customers in each area truly want? How do their needs vary by location? The answers shape a compelling MVP. In essence, your selling location matters immensely. Geographic nuances can significantly influence the success of both your MVP and the broader product evolution.

Customer Base By Geography

  • Discover The Driving Factors Behind A Purchase

Understanding the motivations behind your consumer base’s purchases is critical after you’ve classified them geographically. This stage will be highly beneficial to your startup’s MVP placement. And conducting a survey is the easiest and most efficient approach to obtaining this essential information. So, put on our MVP thinking caps and come up with some questions that encompass the themes we discussed before. Once we’ve created a solid survey, we may execute it in various methods depending on your budget.

Assessing Success Following MVP Development

We can precisely forecast a product’s future performance in a number of ways. Let’s examine some of the popular and efficient techniques for gauging the performance of your Minimum Viable Product (MVP):

  • Word of Mouth

The opinions of your customers are one of the most potent success indicators. Potential consumers’ requirements and issues can be better understood by speaking with them and gaining their opinions.

  • Engagement

Engagement is like a crystal ball for companies since it allows you to see the value of your product now as well as in the future. You can improve the user experience by understanding how customers use your product and incorporating their feedback.

  • Sign-Up

It’s encouraging when individuals sign up to demonstrate their interest. In addition to assessing initial interest, it also provides a suggestion as to possible earnings if you can turn those sign-ups into paying clients.

  • Better Client Feedback, Better App

Your app’s download count and frequency of launches can reveal a lot about user interest. Also, keep in mind that lightweight apps typically get more downloads.

  • Percentage of Active Users

Success is measured by how engaged your consumers are, not just by downloads and launches. You can gain a better picture of your MVP’s impact by keeping a watch on user behavior and ratings from engaged users.

  • Client Acquisition Cost (CAC)

To optimize your marketing efforts, it’s essential to know the cost to acquire a paying customer. Using this metric, you can monitor your expenses and customer growth effectively.

  • Number Of Paying Users

Understanding the average revenue per user allows you to monitor the earnings of your product. It’s an excellent metric for assessing your product’s financial health.

  • Client Lifetime Value (CLV)

Using CLV, you can gauge how long users remain engaged before departing. It’s a vital metric for assessing customer retention and the long-term performance of your product.

  • Churn Rate

The churn rate of your app reflects the number of users leaving. By tracking this metric, you can gain insights into customer satisfaction and make necessary adjustments.

Consequently, by focusing on these methods, you can more accurately assess the potential success of your MVP and make informed decisions moving forward.


Building a successful Minimum Viable Product (MVP) necessitates strategic planning, iterative development, and a profound understanding of your target audience. Through this article, you’ve gained insights into the essential elements required to craft an MVP that resonates with users, validates your concept, and sets the stage for further advancements.

The key is to find the right balance between functionality and simplicity, consistently solicit customer feedback, and use data-driven insights for product refinement. As you embark on this thrilling journey, remember to maintain a clear vision, prioritize your users’ needs, and immerse yourself in the ever-evolving process of innovation.


How do you choose the right features for MVP?

Concentrate on the essential features that directly solve the demands or problems of your audience. Give features that highlight your distinctive value proposition top priority.

What is the role of user feedback in MVP development?

User input is crucial for improving your MVP. It aids in your understanding of what functions well, what demands improvement, and which features should be added or removed.

Is an MVP a one-time development process?

The journey of your product does not begin with an MVP. Follow market trends and consumer needs as you continuously collect input, iterate, and improve your product.

What’s the difference between an MVP and a prototype?

An MVP is a working, basic version of your product that is usable in the real world. A prototype is a visual representation of a product’s design and functionality. However, it may not have all of the intended features.