
The Animator Controller is a powerful tool in Unity that allows you to create and manage animations for your game characters and objects. It allows you to create a state machine that controls the animation states of your game objects, and to create transitions between those states based on certain conditions or triggers.

The benefits of using the Animator Controller include the ability to easily create complex animations, the ability to re-use animations across multiple game objects, and the ability to easily control animations through scripting.

Setting up the Animator Controller

  • To create a new Animator Controller in Unity, you can right-click in the Assets window and select “Create” -> “Animator Controller”. This will create a new Animator Controller asset in your project.
  • To link an Animator Controller to a game object, you can select the game object in the Scene view, and in the Inspector window, click on the “Add Component” button and select “Animator”. Then you can drag the Animator Controller asset into the “Controller” field in the Animator component.
  • The Animator window is divided into several sections, including the State Machine, Parameters, and Layers. The State Machine is where you create and manage your animation states, the Parameters allow you to create variables that can be used to control the animation states, and the Layers allow you to create multiple layers of animation that can be blended.

Creating and Managing Animation States

  • To create a new animation state in the Animator Controller, you can right-click in the State Machine and select “Create State”. You can then drag an animation clip into the state to assign the animation to that state.
  • To create a transition between animation states, you can right-click on the state you want to transition from and select “Make Transition”. You can then drag the transition arrow to the state you want to transition to. You can also add conditions or triggers to control when the transition occurs.
  • Layer blending allows you to overlap and blend multiple animations together. To create a new layer, you can right-click in the State Machine and select “Add Layer”. You can then assign different animations to the different layers and use the layer weights to control the blend between the layers.

Scripting and Controlling Animation

  • The Animator component has several methods that can be used to control the Animator Controller and animation states through scripting. For example, the “SetTrigger” method can be used to trigger a transition between states, and the “SetBool” method can be used to set a bool parameter in the Animator Controller.
  • You can also use scripting to check the current state of the Animator Controller, and to react to changes in the animation states. This can be useful for creating custom animations based on player input or in-game events.

Advanced Features of the Animator Controller

  • Animation events can be used to trigger events in-game at specific points in an animation. For example, you could use an animation event to play a sound effect when a character’s foot hits the ground.
  • The Animation Curve Editor allows you to create custom animations by editing the animation curves of an animation clip. You can use this to create realistic animations that are not possible with the built-in animation tools.
  • The Inverse Kinematics (IK) feature can be used to create more realistic animations by automatically adjusting the positions of certain bones in a character’s skeleton based on the positions of other bones. This can be used to create more natural looking animations, such as a character’s hand reaching for a door handle.

Few tips for working with Unity’s animator controller are:

  1. Use layers to organize your animations. This allows you to separate different types of animations, such as movement and attack animations, and blend them together seamlessly.
  2. Use state machines to create logical transitions between animations. This allows you to create complex animation behaviour, such as transitioning from idle to walk to run based on player input.
  3. Use blend trees to blend between multiple animations smoothly. This is useful for blending between different types of movement, such as walking and running.
  4. Use animation events to trigger events in your script during specific points in an animation. This allows you to synchronize animations with other events, such as playing sound effects or spawning particles.
  5. Use the animator window to preview and test your animations. This allows you to see the animation in action and make any necessary adjustments.
  6. Make use of the animation curves, to control the animation speed and values of the object, can help you to achieve more realistic and smooth animations.
  7. Use the animator’s parameter to control the state of the animation, such as a boolean value to check if the character is running or not, and to control the transition between animations.


Unity’s Animator Controller is a powerful tool that allows you to create and manage animations for your game characters and objects. It allows you to create a state machine that controls the animation states of your game objects, and to create transitions between those states based on certain conditions or triggers.

The benefits of using the Animator Controller include the ability to easily create complex animations, the ability to re-use animations across multiple game objects, and the ability to easily control animations through scripting. With the advanced features of the Animator controller, like animation events, Animation Curve Editor, and Inverse Kinematics, you can create more realistic and dynamic animations.