
A NavMesh, or Navigation Mesh, is a data structure used in artificial intelligence applications to represent the walkable surfaces of a game environment. It is a powerful tool in Unity for enabling artificial intelligence (AI) in games and virtual environments. It allows you to create a navigation mesh that can be used by AI agents to move around and navigate the environment. It is used to plan paths for characters to follow, to make sure they can navigate around objects and obstacles.

The importance of navigation in games and virtual environments cannot be overstated. It allows AI characters to move around and interact with their environment, making them more lifelike and believable. It also allows for more dynamic and realistic gameplay, as characters can navigate around obstacles and naturally interact with the environment.

Setting up a NavMesh

  • To use the NavMesh system in Unity, you will first need to import the Navigation package. This can be done by going to the Package Manager (Window > Package Manager) and selecting the Navigation package from the list.
  • To add a NavMesh surface to your scene, you can use the NavMesh Surface Game Object. This can be found under the Navigation menu in the Game Object menu (Game Object > Navigation > NavMesh Surface).
  • Once you have added a NavMesh surface to your scene, you will need to bake the NavMesh. This process analyses the geometry of your scene and creates a navigation mesh that AI agents can use to move around. To bake the NavMesh, you can use the Bake button in the Navigation window (Window > Navigation).

Bake Settings

To use a NavMesh, it must be “baked” from the geometry of the game environment. This process involves analysing the geometry and creating a representation of it that is suitable for pathfinding. Several settings that can be configured when baking a NavMesh, including the following:

  • Agent Type: This setting determines the size and shape of the character that will be using the NavMesh. For example, a larger agent type will be able to walk over smaller obstacles but will require more space to turn.
  • Cell Size: This setting determines the size of the cells that make up the NavMesh. Smaller cell sizes will result in a more detailed NavMesh, but will require more processing power to use.
  • Agent Height: This setting determines the height of the character that will be using the NavMesh. This is used to make sure the character can walk under low obstacles, such as bridges or overhangs.
  • Agent Radius: This setting determines the width of the character that will be using This is used to make sure the character can fit through narrow passages.
  • Max Slope: This setting determines the maximum slope that the character can walk up. Steeper slopes will require the character to jump or use other means of traversing the terrain.
  • Max Climb: This setting determines the maximum height that the character can climb in a single step. Higher values will allow the character to climb over taller obstacles but will also make the NavMesh more difficult to use.

These are just a few of the settings that can be configured when baking a NavMesh. The specific settings and options will depend on the game engine or artificial intelligence system being used.

NavMesh Agents

  • To add a NavMesh agent to your scene, you can use the NavMesh Agent component. This can be found under the Navigation menu in the Components menu (Component > Navigation > NavMesh Agent).
  • There are several parameters that you can configure for a NavMesh agent, including the speed at which it moves, the radius of the agent (which determines how closely it can move to other objects), and the height of the agent (which determines how high it can jump). These parameters can be adjusted in the Inspector window for the NavMesh Agent component.
  • To set a destination for a NavMesh agent, you can use the Set Destination method of the NavMesh Agent component. This method takes a Vector3 argument representing the position in the scene where you want the agent to go.

Off-NavMesh Navigation

  • In some cases, you may want to allow your AI agents to navigate to areas of the scene that are not part of the NavMesh. To do this, you can use off-mesh links. Off-mesh links are special connections that allow AI agents to move between separate NavMesh surfaces or to areas of the scene that are not part of the NavMesh.
  • To implement jump and climb abilities for your AI agents, you can use a combination of off-mesh links and the NavMesh Agent’s step offset parameter. The step offset parameter determines how high the agent can step up, allowing it to climb over small obstacles.

Advanced NavMesh Features

  • The NavMesh system in Unity also includes a few advanced features that can help you fine-tune the navigation behaviour of your AI agents. These include NavMesh obstacles, which allow you to block off areas of the NavMesh to prevent agents from moving through them, and NavMesh avoidance, which allows agents to dynamically avoid other objects in the scene while navigating.
  • The NavMesh can also be dynamically updated at runtime using the NavMesh, update NavMesh Data method.
  • Another advanced feature of the NavMesh system is dynamic NavMesh carving. This allows you to modify the NavMesh at runtime by adding or removing geometry from the scene. This can be useful for cases where you want to change the navigation behaviour of your AI agents based on events in the game.
  • In addition to these features, the NavMesh system also supports the use of layers and priorities. You can use layers to group different parts of the NavMesh together and assign different priorities to different layers. This can be useful for cases where you want to give certain areas of the NavMesh higher priority over others.


In conclusion, the NavMesh system in Unity is a powerful tool for enabling artificial intelligence and realistic navigation in games and virtual environments. Whether you are creating simple AI agents or more advanced behaviours, the NavMesh system has a range of features and options that can help you achieve your goals.

If you are interested in learning more about the NavMesh system in Unity, there are several resources available online. The Unity documentation is a good place to start, and there are also many tutorial videos and blog posts available on the internet that can help you get started with the NavMesh system.