Unity’s Shader Graph is a powerful tool for creating custom shaders in Unity. It allows developers and artists to easily create a wide variety of materials, ranging from simple colour changes to complex effects like reflections and refractions. In this blog post, we will explore the basics of using Shader Graph to create custom shaders, including setting up a project, using the different nodes available, and creating a simple custom shader. We will also cover advanced techniques for creating more complex shaders, as well as tips and best practices for optimizing performance and troubleshooting common issues.

Introduction to Unity’s Shader Graph

Unity’s Shader Graph is a visual tool for creating shaders in Unity. It allows developers and artists to create shaders without having to write code, making it a great option for those who are not familiar with programming or who want to quickly create shaders without having to spend a lot of time on coding. The Shader Graph also provides a wide variety of nodes that can be used to create a wide variety of materials, from simple colour changes to complex effects like reflections and refractions.

Setting up a Shader Graph project and creating a basic material

To begin creating a custom shader in Unity, you first need to create a new project and import the Shader Graph package. Once the package is imported, you can create a new Shader Graph by right-clicking in the Assets window and selecting Create > Shader > PBR Graph.

Next, you will want to create a new material that uses your new Shader Graph. To do this, right-click in the Assets window and select Create > Material. Then, in the material’s Inspector window, you can select your new Shader Graph from the Shader dropdown menu.

Exploring the different nodes available in Shader Graph

The Shader Graph has a wide variety of nodes available, each with its own unique functionality. Some of the most used nodes include the Colour node, which allows you to set the colour of the material, and the Texture Sample node, which allows you to apply a texture to the material.

Other nodes include the Lerp node, which allows you to blend between two colours or textures, and the Normal Map node, which allows you to apply a normal map to the material, giving it a more detailed appearance.

Creating a simple custom shader using the Shader Graph

Once you are familiar with the different nodes available in the Shader Graph, you can begin creating your own custom shaders. A simple example of a custom shader that you can create using the Shader Graph is a gradient shader.

To create a gradient shader, you will need to use a Gradient node, which allows you to set the colours of the gradient, and a Lerp node, which allows you to blend between the colours of the gradient.

Advanced techniques for creating more complex shaders

For more complex shaders, you can use a variety of different nodes and techniques. For example, you can use a noise node to add random variations to the colour of the material, or you can use a texture map to add more detailed variations to the material.

Another technique you can use is to use the Normal Map node to add more detailed variations to the material, giving it a more detailed appearance.

Tips and best practices for optimizing performance and troubleshooting common issues

When creating shaders in Unity, it is important to keep performance in mind. One way to optimize performance is to use fewer nodes in your Shader Graph, as each node will add to the performance cost of the shader.

Another way to optimize performance is to use the appropriate node types for the effect you are trying to achieve. For example, if you are trying to create a simple colour change, you can use a Colour node instead of a more complex node like a Texture Sample node.

It’s also important to pay attention to the connections between nodes and make sure they are set up correctly. Incorrect connections can result in unexpected results or errors in your shader.

Lastly, troubleshoot common issues like missing textures, incorrect connections or incorrect usage of the nodes. Make sure that the textures you are using are properly imported and that they are properly connected to the correct nodes. Also, make sure that you are using the correct nodes for the effect you are trying to achieve.


In conclusion, Unity’s Shader Graph is a powerful and easy-to-use tool for creating custom shaders in Unity. It allows developers and artists to quickly create a wide variety of materials, from simple colour changes to complex effects like reflections and refractions. By understanding the basics of using the Shader Graph and exploring the different nodes available, you can create your own custom shaders with ease. Remember to keep performance in mind and troubleshoot common issues when creating shaders in Unity.

This is just a starting point and there is a lot more to learn and explore when it comes to Shader Graphs. There are plenty of resources available online, such as tutorials, documentation, and forums, where you can learn more about creating custom shaders in Unity and get help with any issues you may encounter.